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Welcome to the official website of Robotics and AI Lab, SDNU

Shandong Normal University Robotics and AI Lab, established in 2021, is based in the Shandong Artificial Intelligence Base and is dedicated to diverse research in the fields of robotics technology and artificial intelligence.

The laboratory boasts state-of-the-art facilities, including 10 NAO intelligent humanoid robots, 40 JetBot smart cars, 40 Raspberry Pi AI kits, 1 TurtleBot4 robot and 1 ROS robotic arm radar smart car. It serves not only as a practical platform for cutting-edge technologies such as computer science, robotics, artificial intelligence, and machine learning but also as a cradle for innovation and entrepreneurship, new technology applications, and robotics competitions. As a crucial base for cultivating engineering and technical talents in robotics and artificial intelligence, the laboratory consistently focuses on promoting technological advancement and application.

The laboratory has won a total of 33 awards at provincial and higher-level robot-related competitions (8 national awards and 25 provincial awards), including 2 first-place national awards, 2 first-place provincial awards, and 7 third-place awards in the CRAIC (China Robotics and Artificial Intelligence Competition); 1 second-place national award in The National College Student Robot Technology Innovation Exchange Camp and Robot Competition; 2 first-place national awards and 3 second-place national awards in the The International Youth Artificial Intelligence Competition; 1 first-place award, 3 second-place awards, and 4 third-place awards in the Shandong Provincial University Contest on Intelligent Robotic Innovations; 1 first-place provincial award and 6 third-place provincial awards in Robocode.

In addition to guiding the competitions, the team's teachers also focus on cultivating students' research capabilities, and have guided student members to publish 1 paper at an international academic conference, apply for 1 invention patent, and obtain 1 software copyright. The team has also been awarded 1 National University Student Innovation and Entrepreneurship project.

Rooted in the Shandong Normal University Robotics and AI Laboratory, this site showcases laboratory's teaching resources, competition highlights, and past award achievements, while integrates and shares a wealth of resources related to robotics and artificial intelligence. We welcome all friends interested in robotics and artificial intelligence to visit this website, to learn, exchange and progress together.