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Contributing Guidelines

Thank you very much for your interest in this project! To collaborate better, please follow the guidelines below.

Submitting Contributions

For any additions, corrections, or deletions within the site, feel free to submit a Pull Request.

Please describe the changes and their reasons in detail in the pull request. It is recommended that the title of the pull request follows the Conventional Commits specification.

Before contributing, you can raise questions or seek help in the Issues section.

Before submitting a pull request, please do the following to ensure the changes are correct:

  1. Start the local server for testing:

    mkdocs serve
  2. Or, check the generated static pages:

    mkdocs build

After submitting the pull request, it will automatically check if your content can be built normally. If the check fails, please troubleshoot and resolve the issue yourself.

Commit Messages

This repository uses the commitlint + husky scheme to automatically review commit messages. Please ensure that commit messages comply with the Conventional Commits specification.

To simplify the writing of commit messages, the repository has integrated Commitizen and cz-git.

For specific packages and versions, see package.json. Before the first commit, please install all dependencies using the following command:

npm install

After successful installation, you can use git cz instead of git commit.

Page Requirements

If you need to modify the page, please ensure that the document complies with Markdown Rules and Markdown Writing with Mixed Chinese and Western Text.

Please use kebab case or snake case for document naming.

In addition, please update the nav section of mkdocs.yml accordingly.

This site supports both Chinese and English. Please ensure that each page has at least two Markdown files: and, and add the corresponding translation in the nav_translations section of the i18n plugin in mkdocs.yml.


If the submitted page contains images, please use the following solutions up to now:

  1. Use this image bed.
  2. It is recommended to use PicGo and Typora for image uploads.

The PicGo settings are shown in the image below:

PicGo Settings

Set the custom domain to

Please contact the website maintainer to obtain token.